Regenerative Procedures for Knee Pain in Naples, FL

Increased mobility, agility, and stability—without surgery

Men and women who suffer from chronic knee pain don’t just want relief from the jarring discomfort that comes every time they walk, bend, or stand. They also want to regain strength and function in this essential joint—without surgery, long recovery times, and pain.

Regenerative medicine taps into the body’s own capacity to heal by isolating, concentrating, and activating the cells, hormones, proteins, and tissues responsible for healing.

Since we treat the entire knee joint—and not just the affected tissue—patients recover faster, experience relief and improved function, and live happier, healthier lives.


Click on links below to learn which regenerative procedures for knee pain are right for you.

PRP Therapy for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

Platelet Rich Plasma (known most commonly as PRP) contains growth factors and healing signalers.

In PRP therapy, we concentrate these products from your own blood, place them in the areas that need help healing, and then activate them in specific ways so they get right to work.

All of our PRP knee procedures are performed under image guidance to ensure precise delivery, activation, and results.

How Long Does It Take?

30-60 minutes

How long does the treatment last?

As with most regenerative therapies, results depend on many factors, including the level and intensity of activities, ongoing wear and tear, and a patient’s overall state of health.

We have patients that prefer to have PRP once per year to keep them active and optimal, mostly as a “tune up” after their initial procedure, and we have patients who do very well for up to 5 years, and everything in between.

What knee conditions are treated by PRP Therapy?

PRP achieves the best results when it is administered as close to the time of injury as possible.

If your knee pain has been present for many years, several treatments may be required to get optimal results.

It’s been proven effective in helping reduce pain and improve function in “end-stage knees.”

PRP therapy is powerful enough to heal meniscus tears, and it is considered the treatment of choice for ligament injuries and knee stabilization (as long as treatment includes both inside and outside the joint).

Many patients love how it works for remodeling scars, increasing collagen production, building new blood vessels to a tissue, and healing the peripheral nerve.

Who does PRP Therapy work best for?

PRP therapy works VERY well for most patients, regardless of age. That said, it’s not as effective for people with low baseline platelet count, as well as those who take NSAIDS (ibuprofen) on a regular basis (and cannot or will not stop taking them).

Patients considering PRP Therapy are strongly encouraged to stop all NSAIDS 30 days prior to the procedure.

What Are The Risks?

Your specific risks will be discussed with you by the doctor, but in general, this is considered a very low-risk procedure as long as it is done by a well trained, certified regenerative physician.

Over 10.000 papers in PubMed about PRP, no serious harm reported when administered as directed, by a qualified professional.

How long is the recovery period?

Most people notice relief from pain within one to two weeks. During the first three to five days after the procedure, patients are encouraged to ice and rest.

Limiting major activity until about 4 weeks post procedure is recommended as that provides the new tissue and collagen adequate time to begin to cross-link, strengthen and stabilize.

Wearing supportive brace and limiting major activity until about 4 weeks post procedure as that provides the new tissue and collagen adequate time to cross-link and stabilize.

Is PRP Therapy right for me?

Schedule a consultation to find out.

Orthobiologic Therapy for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

Orthobiologic Therapy uses non-blood products like hyaluronic acid and ozone alongside specifically curated non-living cell components that contain concentrated growth factors in a collagen scaffold.

Also contained in the mix are exosomes, the granules released by signaling cells which alert the body to activate its natural healing process—and make use the additional reinforcements.

How Long Does It Take?

30 minutes, in conjunction with PRP therapy

How long does the treatment last?

1 to 5 years or longer.

What knee conditions are best treated by Orthobiologic Therapy?

Orthobiologic Therapy is best used to amplify other treatments, in particular PRP Therapy, as its growth factors, scaffolding, and cellular preparation components help keep the platelet-rich plasma at the site of the injury—an added benefit for knee conditions that cover a large area.

Orthobiologics are much more effective as a supportive therapy to PRP or cells, not nearly as much when used as a solo therapy therefore it is not recommended for use on its own.

What are the benefits of Orthobiologic Therapy?

Since it is very concentrated, it’s effectiveness isn’t limited by how much fluid the tissues can retain.

Since it provides additional healing factors, Orthobiologic Therapy can also decrease the post-procedure flare and discomfort, and hyaluronic acid (HA) in particular can activate and prolong the duration that PRP stays in contact with the synovium that lines the inside of a joint.

What Are The Risks?

Orthobiologic Therapy contains non-autologous cells (cells curated from tissue that is not unique to your body).

While these products feature no living tissue and are highly screened and irradiated, there is risks remain when working with foreign (allogeneic instead of autologous) materials.

Your specific risks will be discussed with you by the doctor, but in general, this is considered a low-risk procedure as long as it is done by a well trained, certified regenerative physician and the products are carefully sourced from vetted companies.

Is Orthobiologic Therapy right for me?

Schedule your consultation

Autologous Cellular Therapy for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

Autologous Cellular Therapy uses regenerative cells gleaned from your own bone marrow or blood to help heal your knee pain without surgery.

While the procedure is relatively simple, the actual healing process is fairly complex (and fascinating!)—as it also involves the modulation of inflammation, cell signaling, pH, nutrient and blood supply, and more for optimal healing.

How Long Does It Take?

30 minutes to an hour for most cases, in conjunction with PRP therapy

How long does the treatment last?

1 to 5 years or longer.

How does Cellular Therapy work?

Cellular Therapy offers a powerful, natural solution for tissue repair and regeneration by utilizing your body’s own regenerative cells.

These cells contain growth factors, anti-inflammatory properties, and the ability to differentiate into various tissue types, making them highly effective at accelerating healing in damaged tissues.

We offer two types of cell therapies:

Bone marrow aspirated cells (BMAC) - This procedure involves drilling into six different areas of a section of posterior iliac crest (back of the pelvis bone) to aspirate the cellular contents. These cells have been identified as Mesenchymal Signaling Cells (MSC)

VSELs - Very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs) are small, dormant stem cells that have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into various cell types (not embryonic cells and not hematopoietic cells). These cells are originally housed in the bone marrow but released into the circulation in response to specific triggers, therefore this procedure involves a simple blood draw at the Regenerative Institute of Medicine to harvest these cells.

Dr. Heather is one of only two physicians in the world licensed to use a proprietary and powerful VSEL preparation technique for orthopedic and spine conditions using a patient’s own multipotent regenerative cells.

While we also do bone marrow aspirated cells (BMAC), patients generally opt for blood derived cells as we are one of the only facilities that has the equipment, know-how, and ability to harvest and process cells directly from your blood, in-house, without needing a separate lab or facility.

What knee conditions are best treated by Cellular Therapy?

Cellular Therapy treats everything PRP therapy can—and often better, especially if it is an extensive knee injury or there is severe chronic knee pain and damage.

Like PRP, Cellular Therapy achieves the best results if it is administered as close to the time of injury as possible.

If your knee pain has been present for many years, more than one treatment may be required to get optimal results however it is very common to get excellent relief from the first treatment.

It’s been proven effective in helping reduce pain and improve function in even pain from plain old arthritis.

Cellular Therapy can also heal ligament tears, and improve stabilization (such as repetitive movement injuries).

Note: PRP is almost always included as a supportive treatment to a Cellular Therapy, as they are both autologous and work synergistically for your best outcome.

What are the benefits of Cellular Therapy?

Cellular therapy, especially when paired with with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), is particularly effective for conditions such as degenerative joint disease, tendon injuries, and spine and joint-related issues, offering significant pain relief and functional improvement. 

When combined with PRP, which amplifies the body’s healing response, the results are even more remarkable. 

PRP serves as a catalyst, enhancing the function of the regenerative cells by providing additional growth factors and stimulating cellular activity at the injury site. 

Unlike PRP alone, which primarily relies on platelets, cellular therapy brings the added benefit of stem cells, which have the potential to rebuild and restore damaged tissues at a deeper level.

Since cellular therapy uses a concentration of your own powerful cells, many patients experience long-lasting results with just one treatment, as the regenerative cells continue working to repair tissues over time, offering a less invasive alternative to surgery with fewer risks and shorter recovery periods.

Since we have all the equipment we need at the Regenerative Institute of Medicine, obtaining and processing the regenerative cells is a simple in-house blood draw.

What Are The Risks/Drawbacks?

If the regenerative cells are taken from the bone marrow, the extraction procedure involves drilling into six different areas to aspirate the cellular contents—while, notably not enjoyable and may require its own healing process, these cells typically pay it forward in big ways. 

While we also do bone marrow aspirated cells (BMAC), patients rarely opt for this as we are one of the only facilities that has the equipment, know-how, and ability to obtain cells originally made in the bone marrow but released into the circulation, and harvested directly from your blood with a simple blood draw.

Given its complexity, cellular therapy is also a bigger financial investment.

How long is the recovery period?

As with PRP, most people start to notice relief from pain within one to two weeks. During the first three to five days after the procedure the neck can be stiff and sore, so patients are encouraged to use ice and rest.

Wearing a supportive brace and limiting major activity until about 4 weeks post procedure as that provides the new tissue and collagen adequate time to cross-link and stabilize.

Is Cellular Therapy right for me?

Schedule your consultation

IV Hydration Therapy for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

IV Hydration Therapy bathes your body tissues and joints with the deep, restorative, and balanced fluids. In addition to relieving chronic knee pain and arthritis, IV hydration optimizes our metabolism, pH, muscles, brain function, and total health.

How Long Does It Take?

60 minutes

How long does the treatment last?

Most people feel the benefits from IV hydration for at least two weeks (and up to four weeks). Some of our patients come once every two to three months for IV hydration.

What knee conditions are best treated by IV Hydration?

IV Hydration supports the healing and relief of all knee pain—and all joints—because it creates a healthier environment for those areas to function and repair themselves.

What are the benefits of IV Hydration?

IV Hydration is easy, safe, and effective for treating knee pain and chronic joint inflammation. Plus, the rest of the body benefits from being adequately hydrated, which is difficult to do with drinking these days!

What Are The Risks/Drawbacks?

Other than the hour of relaxing downtime and a numbed needle stick, hydration offers very little risk or drawbacks.

How long is the recovery period?


Is IV Hydration right for me?

Schedule your consultation

Shockwave Therapy for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

When used to treat knee pain, Shockwave Therapy uses a very high energy soundwave to activate an amplified healing and pain-relieving response.

Completely non-invasive, Shockwave Therapy is often used to improve the outcome and longevity of other knee pain treatments.

How Long Does It Take?

Three to six 15-minute sessions every 1 to 2 days (typical treatment, your doctor may suggest more depending upon severity or chronicity)

How long does the treatment last?

It can last for several months to a year if done on its own—typically in a series of 3 to 5 treatments, depending on the root cause of the pain condition.

When done prior to (and in conjunction with) PRP to reduce spurs and treat bone edema, most patients do not need another treatment for several years.

What knee pain conditions are best treated by Shockwave Therapy?

For knees in particular, Shockwave Therapy can help reduce bone spurs and, as proven in a 2016 research paper, it is also capable of completely resolving bone edema and inflammation that sometimes exists under the cartilage of an arthritic or painful knee.

If MRI shows this bone inflammation, we often use Shockwave Therapy prior to a PRP, orthobiologic or cellular procedure to improve longevity and outcome.

On its own, Shockwave can completely correct plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, shoulder pain from rotator cuff strain, tendonitis, chronic muscle spasm, heel spurs, and can reduce spurs on shoulders, knees, hips, and more.

What are the benefits of Shockwave Therapy

In addition to what we listed above, Shockwave has over an 80% success rate with little to no downtime. Its short treatment sessions and ability to amplify results of other treatments make it a popular addition to physician-directed treatment plans.

What Are The Risks/Drawbacks?

While non-invasive and relatively fast, Shockwave Therapy does require multiple treatments to be successful. On rare occasions, it can cause its targeted tissues to be tender or slightly bruised after treatment.

How long is the recovery period?


Is Shockwave Therapy right for me?

Schedule your consultation

K-Laser for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

The K-Laser induces healing response in locally treated tissues by improving oxygenation, blood flow, and mitochondrial function on the cellular level.

When used to treat chronic knee pain, this Class 4 laser primarily targets healing in the tendons, ligaments, muscles, and nerves.

How long does it take?

10 minutes or less per treated region. Multiple treatments are often needed.

How long does the treatment last?

K-laser relief lasts indefinitely if used for an acute injury (like whiplash or strain/sprain) and typically lasts three to six months for chronic conditions. After the initial sessions, monthly maintenance can also be done to “stay ahead” of chronic conditions.

What knee pain conditions are best treated by the K-Laser?

The K-Laser excels at treating acute strains, sprains, and inflammation. It does not work well on open wounds, cartilage, or bone.

What are the benefits of K-Laser Therapy?

K-Laser therapy is not only completely non-invasive painless, most patients say they actually enjoyed it! It has also been shown to activate and amplify the body’s natural healing response processes.

Because of this, we often use it after a PRP, Cellular, or Orthobiologic procedure on the knee as it can dramatically reduce post-procedure discomfort and downtime.

What Are The Risks/Drawbacks?

Like our Shockwave treatment, the K-Laser requires multiple sessions to receive the full benefit. We often bundle our packages in 5 or 10 treatments, and (strongly) recommend the first three sessions be completed on consecutive days for best results.

How long is the recovery period?


Is K-Laser Therapy right for me?

Schedule your consultation

Hormone Therapy for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

Bioidentical hormone therapy provides all the innate healing power of youth and vitality—in one tiny pellet delivery system.

While helpful in general, hormone therapy is essential to generating a bolder healing response or making new, healthy tissue—as in the case of knee procedures with PRP, orthobiologics or cellular treatments. 

It has been clinically observed by most regenerative physicians that the patients who are optimized with hormones have the best outcomes.

How long does it take?

Labs, which typically take 7-14 days to get results, are initially required to determine your specific requirements.

Hormone creams or injectables are ordered at the compound pharmacy and can take a week or so to be prepared, and pellet placement is quick and easy—most patients are in and out of our office in 10 minutes.

How long does the treatment last?

Hormone pellets typically last five to six months for men, and three to four months for women. Creams are applied twice per day and if you are using an injectable testosterone, that is done twice per week.

What knee pain conditions are best treated by hormone therapy?

Hormone therapy works best if levels are optimized before any knee procedure is performed.

It’s best for anyone who has less than optimal hormone levels (not in the “normal” range on the lab work, but “optimal” which is typically in the top 25%).

We are finding younger and younger people who have declining hormone levels far younger than would be expected. (even sometimes patients in their twenties!)

What are the benefits of hormone therapy?

Hormone therapy not only supplements every single knee pain treatment, but it also promotes better healing and functioning of the body in general.

Most patients report more muscle mass, more energy, better metabolism, better sleep, better mood, increased intimacy and sexual performance, clearer focus—the list goes on.

You won’t know how your body is meant to feel until you give it what it needs!

What Are The Risks/Drawbacks?

Hormone therapy, like many regenerative therapies, is currently out of network with most insurance plans.

There are some patients who may have other medical conditions which make them poor candidates for hormone therapy, but more often than not, even those patients can sometimes be helped with a few hormones safely, if not all of them.

This is why it is so important to have a thorough evaluation of your overall health and your personal and family history before being offered hormone optimization.

How long is the recovery period??

No recovery time with creams and injectables. With pellets we ask for no exercise for three days post-pellet placement for women and 7 days for men.

Most people start to notice all the improvements with BHRT within 2 weeks of having pellets placed, or within a month of using creams or gels (both men and women can do pellets or topicals) or for men, injections of testosterone often takes about 2 to 4 weeks as well.

Not everyone absorbs topicals well—at least 25% of patients will not see their levels increase with creams or gels. These patients do very well with pellets (I am one of them!).

Is Hormone Therapy right for me?

Schedule your consultation

Peptide Therapy for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

Peptide therapy is based on research that shows how specific peptides directly promote the healing response, modulation of inflammation, and induction of cellular energy production both systemically and in targeted areas of the body.

Our unique Peptology® peptide protocol has been specifically tested on the knees with excellent results. 

How long does it take?

10 minutes or less per treated region. Multiple treatments often needed.

How long does the treatment last?

After the initial treatment with peptide therapy, most patients choose to do maintenance once or twice per year. This helps encourage an ongoing regenerative response to help counteract our natural aging process.

What knee pain conditions are best treated by the Peptide Therapy?

Peptides improve the longevity of our knee pain procedures while decreasing discomfort and downtime. (We typically start the peptide regimen a minimum of one week prior to our knee procedures and then continue for a full two to four weeks post-procedure.)

What are the benefits of Peptide Therapy?

As Peptology® regimens are unique to the patient and medically precise, they can significantly amplify the body’s healing response. This cascades to less down-time, faster healing, and other systemic benefits.

What Are The Risks/Drawbacks?

Many of the peptides you inject yourself at home, and some of them you would come to the office to have injected for you (some go into the knee which I do under Fluoroscopy image guidance).

If you have a strong aversion to even tiny needles, this may not be the treatment for you.

How long is the recovery period?


Is Peptide Therapy right for me?

Schedule your consultation

EmSculpt for Knee Pain in Naples, Florida

EmSculpt uses HIFEM-patented technology to build and strengthen deconditioned muscle tissue around the affected knee.

This treatment targets the muscles supporting and surrounding the knee by inducing 20,000 complete contractions in a 30-minute session—providing faster recovery, improved stability, and increased strength around the healing joint.

How long does it take?

The treatment consists of a recommended six 30-minute sessions (two per week for three consecutive weeks).

How long does the treatment last?

Results start to show at 30 days and become optimal at 90 days according to the clinical research studies. At 30 days there is an increase in muscle by 16% and decrease of fat by 19%.

By 90 days, increased muscle by 19% and decrease of fat by 23%.

What knee pain conditions are best treated by the EmSculpt?

EmSculpt is highly effective at treating patello-femoral syndrome. So many people experience deconditioned leg muscles due to knee pain—EmSculpt can create the necessary supportive muscle strength and structures to prolong, protect, and provide results.

As a supportive procedure to any regenerative knee pain treatment, EmSculpt works best either right before the knee regenerative procedure, or two-to-four weeks post-procedure, when the functional rehab and home exercise program begins. 

EmSculpt cannot be used on anyone who has magnetic implants (in other words, if you can’t go into an MRI scanner, you can’t use EmSculpt).

What are the benefits of EmSculpt?

EmSculpt uses painless, consistent, and results-driven patented technology. Patients are fully reclined during the 30-minute procedure, which consists of paddles placed over the treatment area.

Treatment includes a lactic-acid clearing mode to decrease muscle soreness and stiffness.  

What Are The Risks/Drawbacks?

EmSculpt is considered out of network for most insurance plans and therefore requires a personal financial investment.

EmSculpt cannot be used on anyone who has magnetic implants (in other words, if you can’t go into an MRI scanner, you can’t use EmSculpt)

How long is the recovery period?

Slight muscle soreness after the first few treatments (similar to a big workout at a gym).

Is EmSculpt Therapy right for me?

Schedule your consultation